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Welcome to Rum House Productions

An Award Winning Content Provider for Independent Film and Television



Winner of over 100 Film Writing Awards from the west coast and around the world,
M b Sieve is a produced writer whose scripts have been requested by executives with Twentieth Century Fox, Sony Pictures and personally requested by Academy Award Winning Actor Jeff Bridges. 

M b is also a highly recommended professional script doctor and consultant.  He works directly with an international association out of Los Angeles as an adviser/consultant to their upper-tiered development slate.
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Other Award Winning Scripts
Activation - Pre-Apocalyptic, Faith-based
Agree to Disagree - Horror, Thriller, short
#Stuck! - Comedy, Disaster Parody
Bliss-  Pilot, Supernatural Dramedy
A Girl Called Johnnie - Romantic Dramedy
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Best Day Ever- Biography, Faith-Based - SOLD
Jazz Music- Romantic Dramedy

Give My Love to Rose - SOLD

Hunter- Action, Drama
Dislodged-  Co Writer, Horror/Thriller - SOLD
JenSul - Faith-based, Science Fiction
Craig's List-  Romantic Drama

John Doe - T-V Pilot, Historical Fiction, Thriller

Kennonwood- co-writer, Biography 
Mercy- Dark drama, Thriller, Faith-based
Minutes to Memories- Prison drama  SOLD
Jude- Faith-based, Historical Drama  
Operator- T-V Pilot, Action, Drama - SOLD
Pendulum- Romantic Dramedy, Character Study
Prayer- Drama, Family, Faith-based - SOLD
PurgaStory- Drama, Comedy, Faith-based
ReSidual- Supernatural Drama
Song for Remi- Romantic Dramedy

Rum House - Biography, Romantic Dramedy

Roll Play- Fantasy, Comedy
Soul to Soul- Stevie Ray Vaughan Bio pic. 
Sex Offender- TV Pilot/Drama
Song for Remi- Romantic Dramedy
The Upset- Sports Comedy, Drama
Tom Drummond is Dead- Dark Comedy
West, Virginia- Romantic Drama
Stripped- Faith-Based
In The Press


"The story is incredible! The script wrings every ounce of drama and comedy out of it...the characters are outstanding! Michael {protagonist} is a fantastic creation!"


Kudos for Rum House

"This is a powerful, well-written feature script that introduces a fascinating protagonist with depth, complexities and an inner turmoil that is interesting to discover, as it is sometimes hard to bear. A fantastic screenplay that showcases the skillful ability of a writer who understands a protagonist’s inner pain and journey, and creates a quiet suspense that will hook an audience!"



WildSound Film Festival, 

Judge's Review

Kudos for Rum House

"Rum House' was 1 of 3 feature script winners of our festival contest of over 1100 submissions. 'Rum House' was easily the best screenplay out of the three and perhaps one of the best written scripts we have ever performed at our festival event. M b is definitely a writer on the rise and a true talent." -

Kudos for Soul to Soul
"SOUL TO SOUL is a confidently written musical drama with compelling themes of coming of age and self-discovery. The writing is strong and the female protagonist feels similar in tone to JUNO. The story is emotionally compelling, authentic, and specific enough to have commercial potential in the indie space."

Matthew Toffolo, 

WildSound Film Festival Director

Judge's Review

The Blacklist

Kudos for A Girl Called Johnnie

"It is thrilling to be on the edge of my own emotions while reading something, which is how I felt reading this. That anything could happen. That these characters, and by extension, this STORY, is alive".

J. Lauder, Director

Los Angeles

Kudos for Bliss

A unique premise. The script creates an interesting weaving of the past and present tied with a lot of energy and incredible characters. Scary and fascinating. Nicely done!

Thriller/Suspense Film and Writing Festival

Kudos for PurgaStory

“PurgaStory” is a stellar fantasy script with drama and comedy in equal measure, a strong cast of characters and a plot that never lags. Impressively, this script manages to switch between hilarious and heartbreaking at a moment's notice.

WildSound Film Festival 2016, 

Judge's Review

Kudos for John Doe

Great characterization. The mystery surrounding John Doe intensifies as the story develops. This incredibly strong ending would entice an audience into investing into the series. A great twist and cliffhanger!

Crime/Mystery Film Festival

Kudos for Jazz Music

The script moves quickly because the characters are so likable. The story builds to a very emotional conclusion,  ends on a moment that is reminiscent of Charlie Chaplin’s City Lights.

New York Screenplay Competition

Kudos for MERCY

The ballet dance scene is beautifully rendered. M b showcases Stephanie’s ability to overcome her past obstacles in a way that feels inherently cinematic. He speaks volumes about her character’s emotional arc without needing to say a word.  

WeScreenplay Writing Competition,

Judge's Review

Kudos for Song for Remi

"The story is incredible! The script wrings every ounce of drama and comedy out of it...the characters are outstanding! Michael {protagonist} is a fantastic creation!"

Beverly Hills Screenplay Competition

Kudos for Prayer
Kudos for Prayer

"One of the best specs out there!"

WildSound Film Festival 2019, 

Judge's Review

"I am in love. Totally, utterly in love. This is a story and movie I have been looking for my entire life! This is the best script I have ever read!" 

Film Producer 

S. Spicer

Kudos for Jude

This is some pretty strong story sauce, enough to make the eyes water with its pleasing circuitous themes that intelligently fold back in on themselves

Kudos for Jude

The dialogue is masterful! Despite its biblical, Christian premise, this story feels universal. This script manages to capture that feeling and portray it in a nuanced and beautiful way. 'Jude' feels deeply human, layered and complex. It is clear that the writer has a strong grasp of storytelling.

Judge's Critique

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Judge's Critique

The Golden Script Competition

Kudos for Jude

Jude is a profoundly deep and spiritual script. The care taken on the dialogue of these ‘bigger than life’ characters was evident. Although this is a script based on Christianity and its teachings, with a heavy emphasis on the history of Jesus Christ, it by no means gate-keeps non-Christians from enjoying its story or message

Judge's Critique

Blue Cat Screenplay Competition



M b is one of a kind!!! I was looking for a writer who could capture the essence of what I was trying to accomplish with Soul to Soul. Not only did M b see the vision, he nurtured and expanded that vision and developed a screenplay that exceeded all of my expectations. Not only did he meet his deadlines but the script he produced for me has won and continues to win major accolades from considerable west coast film festivals. If you ever need someone to care for your passion project as much as you do, here is your man. He not only commits to the project heart and soul, he produces a story that is, by its character development and dialog alone, an award winning product that has no choice but to shine in the independent film marketplace.


M b is courteous to work with and has a great deal of imagination, which reflects in his work. As a writer, he weaves in the traditions and strongholds of his genre while making the work his own with humor and well-structured, epic story lines.

Hannah Eason, Editor

John Harris, Producer,

43rd Big Idea Films

M b's consult was smart, timely and really allowed for some solid conversation about proper story and character development. He provided some quick insight into a number of easy fixes and then told me how to better tighten up the ending so as to make it more precise and chilling. He then forwarded me some information about film festivals that might recognize and appreciate my work. A month later, I won my first award as a writer. And the accolades keep coming.

M b is a genius writer of character driven pieces delivered in proper, engaging English - a craftsman who is determined to keep the lost art of great novel writing alive in the 21st century.

Joey Kent, Client

M b is the consummate professional. He delivers professional results and is detail oriented. M b is also honest, dependable and reliable. He treats your work as if it were his own.

Award Winning Writer James Desapio


Linda Bosso, Client

We hired M b to doctor our script. He took our initial concept and built on our foundation. He seamlessly recreated scene after scene, reinforcing the very heart of our story. During a recent table read, a well-credited, attached producer was emotionally stopped by a moment that he reconstructed from scratch. We could NOT be more pleased with the investment, with the attachment of his time and heart to our project. 

Jenn Benton, Get the Picture Productions

News and Events



Script Consulting Services and other professional inquiries, please email

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